Saturday, April 11, 2009


I had a small turnout for Holy Saturday services, only four of us there. Which was actually okay because I talked about how that was about how many people were left around Jesus after he died.

Then I ate lunch.

Then I prepped the church for the Easter Vigil service.

Changed to white.
All crosses uncovered.
Flowers & candles out.
Paschal candle out.
Bulletins ready.
Small candles and cups ready to be passed out.
Baptismal font ready.
Ms. Emily programmed.
Lighter fluid, lots of lighter fluid.

Tomorrow the alarm goes off at 4:03. I am surprisingly organized this year. And tomorrow will be good.


Tripp Hudgins | 10:05 PM, April 11, 2009  

Blessings on you, brother. I hope that the service is a blessing to all.

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