Sunday, April 11, 2004


Woke the family up at 0455 to get ready for the SWTS Easter Vigil. Al . . .le . . . umm . . lu . . . yawn . . . ia??

Saw the new fire kindled and the Paschal candle lit. Alleluia!

Began to process outside around the building, following the Paschal candle, with the deacon chanting, "The Light of Christ." "Thanks be to God."

Watched as the wind caught the flame and extinguished it. "The former light of Christ."

Processed up to the lounge where we listened to the stories of God's saving deeds in history, while The Kid let us all know she wasn't happy about the earliness of the event. Alleluia?

Sang Jack Noble White's version of Isaiah 12:2-6, "Surely it is God who saves me; I will trust in him and not be a-fraid. For the Lord is my strong-hold and my sure de-fence, and he will be my Savior," just as the sun broke through the clouds and shone on our faces. The Kid smiled. Alleluia!!

Processed downstairs for the renewal of the baptismal vows. Alleluia.

Processed into the chapel, bathed in both electric light and God's light of the new morning shining through the stained glass windows, highlighted by Easter flowers, and the re-lit Paschal candle occupying its place of prominence in the sanctuary. Alleluia!!

Participated in the Easter Eucharist. Alleluia.

Completed the Eucharist and sang, "Jesus Christ is risen to-day," "Al-le-lu-ia!!"

Processed over to the refectory and had a wonderful Easter brunch. Alleluia.

That I wasn't responsible for this year!! Alleluia!!

Went home to find three kids in our house looking for Easter eggs. Alleluia?

Found all the eggs, sent two of the three kids home, and took a nap. Alleluia!

May God, who through the water of baptism has raised us from sin into newness of life, make us holy and worthy to be united with Christ for ever.

Amen and ALLELUIA!!


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