Thursday, November 11, 2004


I've been following the comments on my Rant Post (see below) off an on for several days now. The general consensus is that I should remove the particular site in question. However, I think that that "solution" is akin to sticking your/my head in the sand and hope the problem will go away. It reminds me of the passage about the light shining on the darkness and exposing what is there. If I don't link to the site(s), then they have the opportunity to grow unchecked. Do you see where I'm going with this?

The most recent comment on that post was left by J. Freeman -- who, unfortunately, has decided to quit blogging; with any luck this will simply be a hiatus and she will give us more of her unique insights. Anyway, she posted that, as a gay person, her return to the church was a big risk on her part and that she is still skittish. That skittishness is enhanced in the blogiverse when she visits a site that seems to be "safe" but links to a site that is anything but that. She makes sense.

I am working very hard out here in MT to repair past damage and regain the trust of the people in my communities. I want them to know that, regardless of your politics, the Episcopal Church is a safe place. I also want that to carry through on my blog. So if someone like J. Freeman writes that she thought my blog was safe, but discovered otherwise because of my links, then I need to take that into consideration.

The end result is that I made some link changes. Regular readers, and maybe some irregular but observant readers, may have noticed a change in that I moved Taylor's blog into the Small God category. Today, I made some more obvious changes. It is now clear that the small god links are, shall we say, less than friendly. I've also listed their names so anyone feeling curious should know exactly what they are getting into.

I don't agree with them. I do think they should have an opportunity to be heard. And sometimes they say something we need to hear. But, now, hopefully, people will be aware of what is behind Door #3.



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