Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I'm a generally nice guy. Fairly relaxed and easy-going (or, as relaxed as a Type A, OCD personality can get). I try not to get too excited about anything -- shoot for that whole "even keel" thing. And I also try not to have my overall leadership be based on position power. However, there are times . . .

I had a meeting with Dave yesterday. He is the visiting musician that is playing for the Opera House this summer, and he wandered into church on Sunday. He offered to play the organ on the days when my "regular" organist isn't there. I say "regular" because he plays every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays. We discussed the liturgy and some other aspects of the church in general, and he's all set to start this Sunday. Maybe having music every Sunday will draw some people in, who knows.

Anyway, last Sunday (when Dave first showed up), I offered to let him play the organ. He spent some time with Bob playing after service. It was then during coffee hour that we originally discussed Dave playing. Just about then, Bob pipes up, "Oh no -- I won't allow you to let anyone play that's better than I am; and he is most certainly better than me."

I turned and looked at him and said, very calmly and politely, "Bob, do I need to play my trump card?"

"What trump card?"

"I'm the Vicar."

Just about then, another parishioner said, "Don't go there Bob."

"Oh -- well, I was only kidding."



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