Saturday, July 09, 2005


First, Jane correctly pointed out that I don't know my left from my right. Maybe it was the fact that I swerved left to avoid the deer, or the fact that I saw the left side of the deer, or the fact that I was totally surprised, or maybe it is simply is true that I'm dumber than a deer. Whatever the reason, the aforementioned deer came from the right side of the road and hit the right front quarter panel and removed the right mirror.

I'm telling this story to my parents shortly after it happened. My dad says, "You're mirrors fold in, don't they?"

"Yes, what's your point?"

"Well I would think that the mirror would just fold in when you hit the deer. I mean, I can't believe it took it off."

He's got to be kidding, right?

"It should be just like hitting the side of the garage -- the mirror should just fold back against the car."

Nope, he's not kidding.

"Um, dad, when was the last time you hit the side of the garage at 68 miles per hour?"

My dad cracks me up sometimes.


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