Friday, August 19, 2005


I've made a few changes around the house here. The first and obvious change is the comments. I dumped Haloscan and am now using Blogger comments. This will allow me to delete unwanted comments (because I couldn't figure out how to do that with Haloscan), not because I ever have comments worth deleting, but, you know, just in case.

Other changes around here include:

Moving my Personal Profile section up to the top. The only rational for this was that I hated scrolling down my blog-roll to get to the link to the diocesan home page, among other things. So it's at the top now (or close to it).

I've added the Apostle John to the Clergy Blog listing. He visited my site the other day (comments gone because it was on the old system) and mentioned his appreciation for my vocation (priest) and avocation (ref). What's not to like there? I've also added RevGalsBlogPals to the list. Apparently I'm some kind of honorary member, so fair is fair.

In my God Blogs section, I've added AKMA's and Trevor's Disseminary project. Lots of interesting stuff going on over there -- check it out. And, due to personal reasons, the Polar Bear has left for warmer climes and will reappear at some later point in time with a new identity. Good luck to her as she gets everything reorganized.

In the God Sites section, I've added space for Theological Discourse. This is just one of the projects of The Disseminary and it's worth a read. And in the same section, I've removed the Village Gate link. Does anyone know what happened there? The last time I tried to go there, I got redirected to some credit card site.

Well, that about sums up all the changes in my neck of the woods. Basically, when you see a post like this, it's a slow news day.



Jane Ellen+ | 9:17 AM, August 20, 2005  

Oh, I so need to do some of this sort of housekeeping.

First time comments will be moderated.