Sunday, October 23, 2005


Well, okay . . . maybe it isn't as dramatic as I'm making it out to be. However, for the past two years or so that I've been blogging here on Rev Ref, I've played the Anonymity Game -- pretending to be an anonymous seminarian and then ordained blogger in a nameless community in Montana. Right.

That pretty much ended when Whit showed up on my front door this past summer. And now, I'm going to deal the final blow to that charade.

With the help of a technogeek, I managed to put the finishing touches on the Parish Website over the weekend. Now you all (ha! "you all" -- I say that like I have more than four readers) - now you all can actually see the two parishes I serve, the landscape, and *gasp* even a picture of my mug.

This will be the only "official" notice about the website, but not to fear; if you forget the address I will carry a link to the site over there on the right. See it?? It says My Parishes.

So feel free to drop by for a visit. I will be posting my sermons in both places, but I won't be talking all that much about football over there.

Oh -- almost forgot: You can see the new digs at



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