Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I've been quite productive lately. I managed to get ordos completed for 4 Advent, Christmas Eve and Christmas I (which happens to be The Holy Name this year {and which also happens to be the Sunday I decided to do a Christmas Lessons & Carols}). I'm currently working on the ordos for the bishop's visitation (well, not really currently, because I'm posting, but you get the idea) which will entail one confirmation and one reception at Christ Church, and then a renewal of baptismal vows up at St. Paul's.

I've got a bunch of thoughts down on paper for my upcoming sermon, and I have an idea of a sermon running around my head for Christmas. And then relief -- with the L&C service and the bishop's visit the following week, I basically have a two-week vacation from sermon writing. Woo hoo.

I have a deanery Christmas party next week where, among other things, we will read some poetry of Vaughan. I've been waiting for my book to come through the interlibrary loan system, and it is now here.

This afternoon will entail a trip to the library to pick up said book, a trip to the bank to deposit my mileage check, some time in the office finishing the liturgy for the bishop's visit, and some time in my recliner reading poetry.

Somehow I'm thinking that the latter activity would go down better with the right company. If wishes were horses . . .

Okay -- enough procrastination and time to go be a productive priesty-boy; but after I eat. Afterall, I have to maintain my energy, right?


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