Wednesday, January 11, 2006


According to a NY Times article, a California school district has implemented a class elective that touches on intelligent design, creationism and evolution that it is offering as a philosophy course. I have to admit that if a school is going to have a course on I.D., this is where it belongs; because it certainly doesn't belong in the science classroom.

So yes, that is a better option and one I would generally support.


In reading the rest of the article I thought, "What the ...? They can't be serious!?!"

The syllabus listed 24 videos to be shown. It called for two evolution experts to speak to the class. One was a local scientist and one was an international expert on DNA. That's the good part.

The not-so-good part is that 23 of the 24 videos are produced by religious organization with a pro-creation/anti-evolution viewpoint. Additionally, the two speakers have ... problems. The first person is a local scientist who had refused the offer to speak and is now suing the school board. The second person on the syllabus was Francis H. C. Crick, a co-discoverer of DNA. A very appropriate choice to speak about the topic. The only problem there, however, is that the dude died in 2004!

I'm not so excited about this elective anymore.


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