Monday, April 16, 2007


Mrs. Ref has a friend who attends a Baptist church in another town. She and her husband have four kids . . . three boys and a new baby girl. Mrs. Ref apparently piqued her friends interest while talking about the Stations of the Cross through town on Good Friday.

I don't know if she is a biblical-literalist-creationist person or where she falls in that line, but they've been having some discussion about creation v. evolution. Did we evolve from fish that crawled up onto land? Did God create everything we see as is? That whole debate.

Last night, lying in bed (almost drifting off to sleep), Mrs. Ref and I were discussing this. I said that it was hard to hold to a literal, six day, 144 hour creation period when the sun wasn't even created until the fourth day.

At which point Mrs. Ref says, "So THAT's why dinosaurs were so ugly . . . God created them in the dark!"

Maybe not totally accurate, but I laughed out loud.


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