Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Eve Snow Pictures

Christ Church
Originally uploaded by reverendref
Since some of you enjoy snow shots, and some of you won't get a white Christmas this year . . . I thought I'd share mine with you.

Here's Christ Church Christmas Eve morning just before I left to prep for service in VC.

Originally uploaded by reverendref

This is just on my way out of Alder (yes, I was driving while taking pictures . . . but I was going slow; and it's amazing how that big screen on the digital camera helps!). Sorry I didn't get a shot of downtown Alder, but I didn't decide to shoot pictures until just now.

Nevada City
Originally uploaded by reverendref

This is downtown Nevada City. The train station is on your right with various downtown businesses and the main gate on the left. The rest of N.C. shoots off to the left.

VC - West End
Originally uploaded by reverendref

This is the view just as you come into VC. The train station is further back (I missed it), but you can see the Coffee House restaurant on your right. You pick up the stage coach just past the building with the white top. Most of the buildings on the left is a remnant of the original VC before it became a ghost town.

Midtown - VC
Originally uploaded by reverendref

This is midtown VC. You can see the Bank -- well, the ATM -- (the short building on the left right next to the tall building), the VC Creamery, and the jewelry store. The building on your right is not currently in use, and the Pioneer Bar is just behind that truck. If you ever come to VC, the turn to the church is on the right just after that telephone pole.


~**Dawn**~ | 1:26 AM, December 29, 2007  

I hope that you had a wonderful, merry, blessed (and white!) Christmas. =)

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