Saturday, July 24, 2010


Searching is a verb; or, at least I think it is. I was never very good at the whole technical side of English. But I'm sure it's a verb because searching, to search, is something we do; it's an action implying activity.

We can be found searching for our keys, wallet, sunglasses or remote. We are actively looking. The Kid is going to start her college search here shortly. She will be doing research, looking for programs that fit her interests, trying to determine where she would like to live after moving out from our place. She will be actively looking for a place to continue her education.

I also happen to be searching. Or, more accurately, I am in a search process. And while there was some activity on my part, most of how I search is by being quiet and listening.

It's a different kind of activity. Based on last week's gospel, it's very Marian. Sit and listen. Hurry up and wait.

So, if you are wondering how things are going, let me say what a friend of mine has told me on more than one occasion: Slow down and breathe.


Unknown | 3:49 PM, July 24, 2010  

Having been engaged in the same process, I hear you. I was trying too hard to "make up my mind;" things did not come clear until I really listened.

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