Friday, August 16, 2013

Home again

Took some vacation time with The Kid.  We drove up to Washington to visit with some friends and talk about her future, then drove over to see grandparents before she flies off back to school.

I came down with some crud Saturday before our "Mass on the Grass," so I struggled through the service and picnic with a sore throat.  I hate sore throats.  They are just awful.

Didn't sleep well Saturday night.  Slept incredibly awful Sunday night.  Didn't sleep much better Monday night.

In short, I spent all of my vacation sick.  On the plus side, if you're going to be sick on vacation, this was the one to do it.  Just hang out at the M-I-L's house, sleeping on the couch, not doing much of anything.  I got one day of sold sleep in, and that really helped.  So I was all better by this morning.

Which was good, because I had to drive home and be at a vestry meeting at 7 p.m. tonight.

That's done, I'm home, and it's time to go climb in my own bed.



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