Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Football and Theology

I often say, "There's a lot of theology in football."  And I often use football analogies or references in my sermons.

And sometimes, while riding in the car to or from a meeting, or from a game, my fellow officials will ask me things about Christianity in general or my thoughts about something in particular.  Those are often interesting conversations.

The other day, though, I had something happen before a game that hasn't happened before.

My crew met in the parking lot of the school and we were chatting about stuff and putting on our shirts and various pieces of equipment (whistles, cards, pencils, flags, etc).  I caught just the tail-end of something someone said about the RCC.  I think it was something along the lines of him being a lapsed Catholic.

One of my crewmates piped up:  "Well, we all know that the Catholic church only follows man-made doctrines."

I said, "What?"

"It's true.  They only have man-made doctrines and don't follow God's doctrines."

"Every church follows man-made doctrines."

"Not every church."

"Name one."

"The Lutherans."

"Okayyyy . . . . let's talk about the game.  Who's got chains?"


Jane Ellen+ | 3:51 PM, October 22, 2013  

...and several Lutheran pastors of my acquaintance just experienced an existential shudder.

Lady Anne | 4:25 PM, October 22, 2013  

Being an escapee from the "Misery Synod", I know where he's coming from.

Patience | 11:54 PM, October 22, 2013  

...wow. If that's the Missouri Synod hard line, I'll have to remember to dodge that one with a couple friends in the future.

Reverend Ref + | 12:12 PM, October 23, 2013  

I don't know if he is LCMS or ELCA. What I did know was that I wasn't going to debate him about church issues 15 minutes before a game. He's already on my bad side, I didn't need to add to the list.

Patience | 6:00 PM, October 23, 2013  

Ah, ouch. That sounds like a fairly complicated and difficult relationship to work with; my sympathies. (I just figured out where the logic there was losing me - Catholic and Lutheran doctrines necessarily overlap by quite a bit, by virtue of them both being essentially Christian churches, don't they? Ah well.)

Lady Anne | 8:08 PM, October 23, 2013  

ELCA is in communion with the Anglican church, and you can take you BCP to their services and do just fine.

Back in the late 50s, when the Ecumenical movement was just getting underway, I asked my mother why "we" (meaning LCMS) never got involved in any of those programs.

"They can join us, but we won't join them."

"Gosh, that sounds like one of Henry VIII's divorces."

You can still see the scorch marks on the pavement, if you look closely.

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