Friday, February 20, 2004


I stopped in at the Kid's school today to watch a puppet show. Mildly entertaining, but it was nice to be asked to go. So I'm home for an early, long lunch and thought I would check out the blogiverse.

Tracy is sponsoring another contest, which I participated in, but withdrew my name for consideration on actually winning the award. Afterall, is this something I can put on my resume? Junior and senior class convenor, co-winner of the theological paper award, director of children's chapel, and two-time Shiny Things Award Winner. Mmmm, I think not. Thanks anyway Tracy, it's always fun.

I was also perusing Mumcat, and she has a post about homosexuality and the church (like we all haven't discussed that, and continue to discuss that), as well as the word "Myth" and how that is perceived when discussing the Bible ("Sticks and Stones"). She also points out that people will revile anyone who uses "myth" as anti-Christian, but those same people will use words such as "pervert" to describe gays and/or lesbians. She says, "It's a very strange world where it isn't okay to be critical of words but it is okay to be critical of people."

When did the translated and written word of God become so set in stone that it becomes an idol? Isn't this what Jesus argued with the Pharisees about? Yes, the words are important, but how we live out those words is even more important.

In an odd way, this describes my sermons. I know what I want to say, and sometimes (oftentimes) I use different words in the early service than I do in the later service. If someone were to actually read a text of the sermon, they might say, "This isn't how you said it." They're right. It's not the surface "How," but the deeper "What" that is important.

Love God. Love your neighbor.

And here's a throwaway thought: When the First Free Evangelical Church of the Open Bible (or any other church for that matter) advertises "Everyone Welcome" on their reader board in 500 point lettering, a) do they really mean it, and b) do they really know what they are saying?



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