Sunday, November 28, 2004


The wedding went off without a hitch. Well, I should say that it went off without a "major" hitch. There was a bit of poor planning on the photographers part -- she ran out of film just as the bride was ready to walk down the aisle. Mrs. Ref, Church Wedding Coordinator Extraordiniarre, was not a happy camper. Luckily though, the bride was walking in to "Ave Maria," a song done in Latin. The organist and soloist did a quick "Let's do it again," and nobody was the wiser. Except the priest, who was about ready to go into apoplectic shock because this is NOT the way to start my first wedding. But it worked out.

The service was great, and the sermon wasn't too shabby either (see below). I did alot of play between the congregation, bridesmaids, groomsmen, and the couple. It worked, and I received many compliments on both the service and the sermon at the reception. Hopefully this will be one of those events that people remember and might think about coming to church. Whenever someone told me how much they liked it, I told them that I was playing every Sunday in Sheridan and VC. Hey, a little humor doesn't hurt.

I also got into a conversation with the soloist and her boyfriend (or fiancee, not quite sure, but they were definitely together). I managed to impress them so much that they decided to come to church in Sheridan this morning.

But I'm just doing my thing, using my talents that God has given me, and trying to turn these two congregations around. We'll see what the future holds.


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