Tuesday, November 30, 2004


If you've been paying attention at all, you'll remember that CC got a new sign a week or so ago. It's nice, but I do wish there was a way to see a draft of the full sign before it was finished. While you can see it from quite a distance, you need to be somewhat closer to pickup my name and phone number. I'm wishing we had used a slightly larger font. Oh well. I have, however, received numerous positive comments on it. So, between the new sign and the killer wedding sermon, we'll see if anyone drops by for Sunday service.

In the meantime, VC ordered a new Episcopal welcome sign. You know, those blue & white metal things that hang on street corners in towns. The one that is up in VC now is so faded and beat up that it looks like the rest of the towns signs -- like it was hung in1867. I told the vestry that we needed a new one and got it ordered. It came today.

I am SO EXCITED. I used the new design (that slanted EC shield) with the traditional words (The Episcopal Church Welcomes You).

It's bright!
It's readable!
It might make people think we're alive!

The funny thing is that St. Paul's received an award a couple of weeks ago from the Virginia City Preservation Alliance for "keeping the building in its original condition." For those who are wondering, this is code for "not making any changes at all." Or, "doing nothing." I find it interesting that St. P's got the award now, after I arrived. The people in VC are very protective and proud of their heritage. They want to make sure that nobody messes up the historical look of VC. And, to some extent, I understand where they're coming from. It's a small town (pop. 130 during the winter), and they derive the vast majority of their income during the summer months. Tourist season. People want to come and experience the "Old West," and if someone puts up a modern structure, that could be trouble. So this award, I think, is a way for the VCPA to politely tell me, "Don't mess with our building."

There's at least one problem with that: It ain't their building. I'm walking this line between the people of VC who see the building as a beautiful museum and the people of St. Paul's who see it as a thing to be worshipped. During the centennial celebration back in July, I preached that the building, while beautiful, was nothing more than bricks and stone and glass and wood, and that IT was not the church. Then later in the year, I preached at both CC & VC that I was not called to preside over the funeral of the congregation but its life.

So, back to the new sign. I imagine I'll get a few comments about it, but I'll probably get more "he said she said" negative feedback about how I'm messing with the authenticity of VC. Oh well. Like I said, I'm not a museum caretaker. I'm going to make this thing live.


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