Saturday, January 01, 2005


Mrs. Ref had this great idea to invite all of The Kid's class to our place for New Year's Eve. I guess the theory was right: "I want all the kids to know that this is a safe place to come." Can't argue with that. Nevertheless, I was not looking forward to this.

Luckily for me only two of her classmates came, and one brought her little sister. Four pre-teen girls, Mrs. Ref, and me on New Year's Eve. It wasn't too bad, I guess. We all played a game of Pit, and Mrs. Ref stomped us. I think I'll send her to buy a lottery ticket. The girls stayed up to watch the ball drop in NY (something I've never understood -- why do people get all excited about an event that happened anywhere from 1 to 3 hours ago? at least on the West Coast they've started broadcasting their own celebrations) while toasting the New Year with non-alcoholic champagne. Then they chattered real loud until 2 am, and somewhat quieter until 3 am.

Mrs. Ref and I got up at 8 and fixed breakfast for the munchkins -- sausage, fruit and monkey bread. And I shoveled the sidewalk, again. That snowstorm that was supposed to come the other day showed up yesterday, so I was kept busy doing the manly chore of shoveling. For those of you who haven't been here, there's a helluva lot of sidewalk around my place to shovel. Consider it my aerobic excercise for the month.

Best quote of the night from the girls: "One of my teachers thought I was Jewish because I could spell Hanukkah." I just rolled my eyes.

I took a little time out to blog while Mrs. Ref naps. Got the kitchen 75% clean, working on the laundry, and trying to catch a little football. I also need to head over to the parish hall and set up for church tomorrow since the people who used it Thursday didn't put things back like they found it.

Wishing you all a safe holiday and many blessings in the upcoming New Year.


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