Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Jane and Bruce and the kids have left for home. Here's wishing them safe travels.

I really like the dynamics of my family: me, Mrs. Ref and The Kid. Growing up I had two younger sisters. When my mom remarried, that brought two other siblings into the mix. Not a huge bunch, by any means, but I told myself that I didn't want my own family to be that big.

For the past several days we have had seven people in our house. It was fun. It was sometimes stressful. At times it ran like army boot camp. It made me appreciate the quiet times. And now they are gone, leaving just the three of us again.

I almost feel bored. Almost.

And then tomorrow, Mrs. Ref and The Kid head out to Washington to visit family, friends and a doctor, leaving me all by my lonesome until next Monday. I will enjoy that. Afterall, my Meyers-Briggs was IIII.

But I also have to admit that I'm glad they all didn't leave on the same day. I think the shock of being deserted that quickly would have made me nuts. So I have yesterday, today, and tomorrow morning to ease into the quietness.

Thursday night until Monday late afternoon or maybe early evening all by myself.


I think I'll read a book.

P.S. If you're looking for the sermon from this past Sunday, go here.


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