Wednesday, October 12, 2005


A week from today I will be busy working on laundry and packing; because a week from tomorrow, I fly to Chicago in anticipation of Jane's ordination to the priesthood. This is a good thing.

A week from Friday, I will pickup Mrs. Ref from O'Hare. Let me explain . . . She and I are both going to the ordination. She has to be back home Monday (work, The Kid, etc.). I am staying on in Chicago until Thursday to attend SWTS' Bread for the Journey program this year. That entailed making reservations on two separate occassions. Somewhere along the way, my brain went hinky and I booked a flight for myself on Thursday, and a flight for Mrs. Ref on Friday. Oops. That little mistake, however, is actually working out quite nicely.

Among other things, it gives me the chance to spend an extra day with Jane and Bruce and their kids at their place. It also gives me the chance to work with technogeek on the parish website.

That's right -- my two little parishes are going tech-savvy and putting up a website. Now, it's nothing so elaborate as the ECUSA site (thank you Lord), or as low-tech as this blog (which I wouldn't complain about). It's somewhere in-between, closer to this blog site than the ECUSA site though. Which isn't bad . . . I'm definitely not complaining. What it will be is very user friendly.

It will have information about the parishes (staff {ha!}, worship schedules, past sermons, contact info, etc.), a posting of the current sermon, a CALENDAR (which is something I really really wanted), and maybe some cute pictures somewhere. Hopefully we'll have all the bugs worked out by next Friday, and then I'll make the big announcement here.

So . . . almost there. Almost ready to leave for Chicago; almost ready to open the website for business; almost ready to participate in the priesting of a very good friend; almost ready to pack for this trip; and definitely ready to spend some hands-on time being singularly focused and dedicated to the pursuit of continuing educational opportunities and how those will make me grow, without, of course, worrying about what time it is and if I'm late for my next appointment (because I really, really don't like to rush).


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