Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I was sleepy last night. For whatever reason, my body was telling me to go to bed. So I checked the score of the game (Dallas at Philly), saw that it was about midway into the 4th quarter and that Philly was up 20-7. Got enough information to learn that Dallas hadn't been doing anything all night except letting the Philly defense hammer away at Bledsoe.

So I went to bed. WHAT WAS I THINKING???

Woke up to SportsCenter only to find out that Dallas scored 14 points in 21 seconds with about 2 minutes left to win the game. I hate it when I don't follow my own rules about watching a game to the very end.

Wes asked, "So . . . How was your season?"

My first season as a ref in Montana was . . . short. High school football is a short season anyway, it only runs from Sept through October. What made this season shorter than any other season, though, was the number of games I worked -- or lack thereof.

In Spokane, we worked at least one game every day of the week (but I never worked Sundays, so almost everyday), and sometimes two games. In one week, then, I could theoretically work 10 games. So, in an eight week period, I could work 80 games.

The group I work through now handles only four schools. I did something like three games a week; sometimes less. I worked a total of five varsity games. This will take some getting used to.

But it went fine. I didn't make any glaring errors, and nobody chased me off the field, so I'd say the season was a success.


Sophia | 10:05 PM, November 15, 2005  


So it was YOUR fault they lost!

I mean, come on, it wasn't even that late in your time zone!

- a sad Eagles fan

Anonymous | 12:05 PM, November 16, 2005  

Go Cowboys!!!!


I stayed up. I saw it all. And I, a Cowboys fan, thought it was over too. I am glad that the old Cowboys are starting to re-emerge.

Wow. Cool.

Reverend Ref + | 10:43 PM, November 16, 2005  

Oh oh -- am I going to have to be moderating Sophia vs Tripp discussions in the near future??

Sophia | 9:17 PM, November 17, 2005  

Hmmm... maybe

You know, folks are saying this is a rebuilding year for the Eagles (they had to think of something to say, the team is so pathetic this year!)

I just hope they don't wind up in a rebuilding decade, like Tripp's pals the Cowpokes.


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