Thursday, November 17, 2005


I came downstairs yesterday to find one of our cats playing with something. Upon further inspection, it was a mouse - lying on its back, legs splayed out, stiffer than a board.

So I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a plastic bag and went to retrieve it. Upon further inspection, it had moved. Okay, so it wasn't as dead as I thought.

Now you have to understand that the cat in question would rather play with the mouse than eat it, and then she lets it go. Stupid cat.

So I bagged the mouse, then bagged it again and dropped it in the outside garbage can. Now I'm thinking, between the plastic bag and the sub-freezing weather, this mouse is a goner.

My girls came downstairs for breakfast. "Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" I ask. Consensus was for the bad news.

"Pandora was playing with a mouse."


"Good news . . . it's out in the garbage can."

I'll refrain from giving you the details about how I was required to "whack" it.


PJ | 12:03 AM, November 18, 2005  

Poor you, I had a recent mouse experience as well. I was all kinda proud of my kitty and grossed out at the same time....haha.

Anonymous | 1:21 PM, November 18, 2005  

After my bat incident of 2004, I'm sure the mouse would be a bit of a letdown. After all, it couldn't fly.

On the other hand, don't let Jane get word of this.

Anonymous | 8:56 PM, November 18, 2005  

My cats wouldn't even know what to do with a mouse.

Jane Ellen+ | 9:58 AM, November 19, 2005  

Jane got wind of it earlier. And yes, she prefers alternatives to "whacking." I admit this touches my pacifist side-- I don't have the stomach to kill critters, so I'd have been operating on the "catch and release" system.

Now, of course, the trick is trying to figure out how the little guy got in.

Emily | 6:41 PM, November 19, 2005  

Our cats caught a mouse a few weeks ago and they were quite proud of themselves. They cornered it by the refrigerator, and they waited by said appliance for the next few days, waiting for it to produce another one.

Now they're just back to sleeping.

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