Thursday, December 22, 2005


Yesterday it warmed up considerably. Today is even warmer. I almost don't need a jacket outside -- almost. I definitely don't need gloves or a scarf or ear warmers or extra socks or longjohns. It's nice. I think Ryan would enjoy it.

Only problem with this sudden change, and that would be the snow. What used to be a simple case of walking on the snow-packed ice has now gotten dangerous. The warm weather, little bit of moisture and wind have, in essence, changed that snow pack to an icy slick skating rink. Those of you who live in northern climes know all about this. It makes for dangerous walking, as you must be more intentional about where you step, how you step and how big your steps are. It could make for dangerous driving, but luckily all of the main streets (inster laughter here) are bare and dry. And it's going to make for one heckuva mess when that ice eventually melts away and we are left with mud trails that pass for streets.

But it's spring! And after a few weeks of sub-zero temps that burned your lungs and froze your boogers (yes, I actually told my congregation during announcements that my boogers had frozen; I thought Mrs. Ref was going to fall out of her pew), it's nice to de-layer. I do hope, though, that we continue to get snow. A good snow pack is always a good thing.

Merry Christmas


Anonymous | 5:16 PM, December 22, 2005  

Hey, what a coincidence. I didn't need a jacket either!

Xpatriated Texan | 8:17 PM, December 22, 2005  

My students make fun of me because I insist on wearing hat, gloves, scarf, and coat to walk the fifty yards to the C-store on campus to buy coffee - now I can tell them that I'm just doing it not to freeze my boogers.

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