Wednesday, December 21, 2005


The original plan for Christmas was to leave immediately after Sunday service and head for Redding to see my in-laws. This was, of course, contingent upon the weather. Last week, when the temperatures were so cold it burned your lungs and froze your boogers and rumors of winter storms were in the news, we decided to scrub the trip.

This had several results. 1) The in-laws, although understanding, weren't too happy. 2) We still don't have a tree because, you know, we were going to be gone (we have a Yule Chair instead). 3) The weather warmed up and the trip would probably be feasible. Oh well.

As someone pointed out, "You want to make that trip in good weather anyway just so you can get familiar with it." Right. Had they lived somewhere in Washington, we would've done it. But I don't know the roads of ID, NV & CA as well as those of WA.

Mrs. Ref was on the phone with her parents tonight. Her dad is intent on getting us over to Redding, which is fine. We haven't seen them since my ordination to the diaconate in June of '04, and we haven't really spent time with them since we were in seminary and they were in SC.

Her dad, in case you don't know, is a Humane Society director. He's very good at getting animal shelters that are in the red back into the black. So he moves alot. Anyway, last year he had a local priest come to the shelter and do a pet blessing. So while he's on the phone, he gets this bright idea to invite me to come out and do the pet blessing for him this spring (I'm pretty sure the feast of St. Francis is a movable feast). Not only that, but apparently this can be chalked up to a business trip.

You gotta love the guy.

Hmmm -- I wonder if I need permission from the bishop? I'll have to look into that.


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