Wednesday, November 22, 2006


So . . . I was up at 5:30 this morning so that I could be out of the house by 6:30 so that I could be at the hospital by 7:15.

John was obviously worried about this surgery. The three of us talked for a few minutes and just before he was wheeled away we prayed.

His wife and I hung out in the *wrong* waiting room until about 10 or so, then we left to go get a little something to eat at a nice spot that could double for the set of "Friends." She was a little worried about leaving the hospital, but I convinced her it would be good to get out; besides, I left my cell number with the desk just in case.

At about 2:15 or so, the surgeon came in and said that everything went exceptionally well. The cancer was located higher than originally thought, which means that he was able to reattach the bowel (no bag needed). It hadn't appeared to spread, so radiation won't be required. Chemo might be, however, depending on the results of later tests. Nothing on the spleen or liver.

So we left for lunch, and when we came back he was already in a room. The anisthetic was wearing off, but he needed some pain meds, and he was trying to get comfortable. I hung out for a bit, then said my goodbyes and headed home.

When I got here, I prepped the church for service tomorrow.

My former neighbor, Fr. Ed, stopped by unexpectedly and took me down to the Stockman for a drink. As luck would have it, neither of us had to pay. After some friendly chit chat with the bar folk on my off day, and a couple of drinks, we walked back home where I had dinner. Followed, of course, by my obligatory post-bar shower.

Yep . . . all in all it was a good day.


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