Monday, April 23, 2007


It was a good day around the RVEC. We had 22 people at the first service and nobody said anything negative about the music. In fact, one of my parishioners commented on how much he enjoyed the music AND he noticed that one of the hymns was about St. Paul and that seemed to be very appropriate for the day.

Some days it all comes together.

Later in the afternoon I met with a lady from another parish who is going through the process for a vocational deacon. I'm meeting with her because she asked me if I would be her confessor through this process. So we talked about . . . oh . . . right . . . probably not bloggable material.

Oh -- get real. I wouldn't even consider talking about that. In all actuality, though, we did talk about the rite of reconciliation and all kinds of stuff associated with that; basically just to get us both on the same page. So it was a good meeting.

While I was doing that, The Kid was off playing disaster victim for some local training, and then she was off to her 4-H meeting.

And our foreign exchange student has returned home from her Close Up trip to D.C. The weather was really bad she said, and she's not looking forward to being in D.C. anytime soon. Other than the weather, she had a good time and is now getting readjusted to the daily routines around here.

Today I was supposed to have a meeting with a person who's come to church twice in a row now, but she must have forgot because she didn't show up. And later this afternoon I have a marriage prep session. The only thing I need now is a funeral to round things off.

Hymns picked, ordo updated . . . feels like lunch.


Jane Ellen+ | 4:47 PM, April 23, 2007  

I took care of the funeral this morning. Nice folks, good service and a tasty luncheon.

Glad I could help. (^_^)

Susie/Nueva Cantora | 12:53 PM, April 25, 2007  

Dude. Careful what you wish for!! We have a double-funeral coming up this Saturday.

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