Wednesday, July 18, 2007


We are working on getting new carpet for St. Paul's. The carpet that is in there now is the original carpet and celebrates its 103rd birthday today. As the picture shows, it's in remarkably good condition . . . in places. However, the aisle is extremely threadbare and there are sections where it really is close to being a safety issue.

Several months ago we received a generous donation towards the purchase of new carpet. Word has gotten out that we are planning on replacing it. I've been very surprised. Virginia City has almost a "history fetish," in that anything not original to its earliest days is not allowed. In fact, I had only been on the job for about six months when the Virginia City Preservation Alliance presented me with an award for not doing anything to the church. A not-so-subtle hint of, "Don't mess with us or the building."

Well, now I'm messing with the building and daring to put in new carpet. And the only complaints I've heard are from tourists. Imagine that.

Oh, and there was one other person. She's a very rarely seen summer parishioner. In my three years here, I've seen her and her husband in church not more than three times. Anyway, she decided that it was imperative . . . Imperative . . . to get an exact carpet match to preserve the historical integrity of the building. I wasn't so hot on the idea, but hey, if she wants to do the legwork, fine with me. Besides, like my good friend says, "Shopping is free."

Last night at the spaghetti dinner for the Habitat Bicycle Challenge I heard from the wife of my contractor friend. He came out and measured and spec'd and whatever else he does and sent it off to the carpet mill this woman had found, and just recently heard back. According to the grapevine, to match the original carpet exactly is going to cost us . . .

wait for it . . .


Thanks for playing, but we'll go through a different source.


Jane Ellen+ | 6:18 PM, July 18, 2007  

So... did you present the estimate to Rarely Seen Summer Parishioner? I'd be curious to see just how imperative she still thinks it is...

Padre Mickey | 10:21 AM, July 19, 2007  

I say go with the orange shag carpet. The Sexton can rake it three times a day, and it will remind the traditionalists of the early 1970's, before the Church revised the BCP, ordained women, and started down the Path to Perdition.

I could build an entire new Casa Amarilla (that's what we called our old parish hall, which was demolished last year) for $27,000.00.

drpcp | 7:38 PM, July 19, 2007  

I know it might be a radical concept, but would it be possible just to put a runner down the aisle where the problem is? I'm just thinking (a) cheaper, (b) keeps some of the integrity, (c) deals with safety issue.

Can you tell I used to serve on a Vestry who had to do more with less?


Reverend Ref + | 3:21 PM, July 21, 2007  

Jane Ellen: She has been notified of the cost; we haven't heard back.

Padre Mickey: We have orange carpet downstairs, thanks (oh . . . and I'm the sexton).

drpcp: A runner down the aisle wouldn't be a bad deal if we all like the carpet to begin with. This is a perfect time to make an improvement.

Anonymous | 4:20 PM, July 21, 2007  

Having only an aisle runner will do wonders for your acoustics.

Ecgbert | 12:05 AM, July 23, 2007  

Only an observation: carpeting in church seems uniquely American. You don't see it in Church of England places (at least that used to be true).

My church in Pennsylvania got rid of it a few years ago and it did do wonders for the acoustics!

And think of the fun of seeing Rarely Seen Summer Parishioner have kittens at the sight of it.

I like hardwood floors better at home too. But don't think I'm biased. :)

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