Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Over on Slacktivist's most recent LB post, there was a little discussion about whether or not football would be in heaven and whether or not non-sports fans would be subjected to sports fans . . . um . . . well . . . fanaticism.

I like sports, football and hockey in particular (I'd ref hockey, but I can't skate). But I'm not a fanatic. I don't paint my body on game day. I don't have lucky uniforms I wear when I watch games. I don't have draft day parties. Although I would get a WSU-colored car because I think crimson and gray go well together. And, to be honest, I really have never understood the fanaticism surrounding sports (or religion for that matter).

Have you seen these commercials for the Verizon V-cast phone with ESPN MVP attached to them? In short, you see a pseudo-sports reporter talking with the "MVP of .... the Baxter wedding, or the school program, or the Smith funeral." The MVP gets the award because he was able to check his mobile phone for sports updates during the event.

The dad who goes to his daughter's dance recital, "No, no problem. We've been to three ballets this year and you really learn from that kind of boredom."

The groomsman who gets one of his buddies to slide over so he can check the phone during the service.

The guy at the funeral who answers the question, "Was the phone a problem during the moment of silence?" -- "Not at all, I had it set to vibrate."

This is so wrong on so many levels. To the dad, if your kid is worth less than the latest scores: Move out!

To the groomsman: Pull that at a service I officiate, and you're gone, at best, or the wedding service is over right then, at worst. Thanks for playing.

To the "mourner," . . . I don't even have words.

And to the writers of these asinine commercials: Stop. Please. You're embarrassing yourselves.

Oh . . . and speaking of commercials: Have any of you been to the movies lately and been subjected to the pre-preview commercials? Have you seen the one for the National Guard? Have you noticed that they use the wrong flag in their obligatory patriotic America shot? If you haven't noticed, they use the 48 star flag -- pay attention the next time you go to the movies.

Okay -- I'm done now.


Unknown | 4:47 PM, August 24, 2007  

thank you for writing this.. i was trying to find someone who had similar disgust.. no ne seems to even realize how asanine these commercials really are.

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