Friday, December 10, 2010

Slow going

For those who haven't heard, moving sucks.

We think we have the house in order. I have 87 percent of my office in order. To date I have met with the organist/choir director, deacon, worship committee, Stephen Ministers, altar guild, funeral home (yes, I have a funeral to do next week), Senior Warden, the vestry and celebrated my first mid-week Eucharist on Thursday.

Point of fact: I have had more people in my office this first week than I probably had all of last year in BOTH offices.

I'm currently at the library where we got our new library cards and promised on a stack of overdue books to bring in current address information when we have it.

We opened up a new checking account at the bank yesterday also, and now we're waiting on the new checks and bank card to arrive so we can start doing some other things -- like getting an internet provider at home and correcting some bills.

Next on the agenda: The Oregon DMV (ODMV), where they are very strict about who they consider a U.S. citizen. There was a story on the local news two nights ago about a retired Army vet who was born in Germany while his dad was serving over there, and the ODMV is refusing to recognize any of his paperwork that says he's a citizen. And my secretary told me that when she went to get her new license after moving here from Virginia, the person at the counter wouldn't initially issue a license because "You spell you're name wrong."

Yeah . . . this could be an adventure. Thank God the cops weren't from the DMV -- I'd probably have been deported back to Montana by now.


Jane Ellen+ | 7:00 PM, December 10, 2010  

I hope they don't add Washington efficiency to their strictness; otherwise it'll take them ALL DAY to deny your license.

Anonymous | 1:17 PM, December 11, 2010  

Sounds as though it's coming together. Will be glad when you get on the internet.

Anonymous | 2:11 AM, December 15, 2010  


Lady Anne | 8:58 AM, December 18, 2010  

Sounds as if the DMV is a nest of birthers! Good Lord, deliver us!

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