Friday, January 27, 2012

New America 27

Have you seen these commercials about a "very wealthy" U.S. citizen making a "dire prediction" for the upcoming year?

I started seeing them in late December and continuing through most of this month. This dire prophecy is predicting major changes for the way we live -- how we shop, live and education our children. "It will have a major impact on your life." It comes across as yet another, Harold Camping end-time prediction.

Aside from not putting a whole lot of stock in any end of the world predictions, this one was never worth even minor consideration.

In December, the prediction was that "in 2011 we will experience the most important day in our history."

In January, the prediction was that "in 2011 we will experience the most important day in our history."

And today, the prediction is that "in the near future we will experience the most important day in our history."

If this "very wealthy U.S. citizen" can't even afford to hire a proof reader, then I'm not the least bit interested in watching his video.


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