Sunday, August 05, 2012

Almost, but not quite

People who know me know that I am . . . musically challenged, to say the least.

I learned enough in seminary to be dangerous.  And most of what I learned about music was on an independent study because (true story) the professor politely but strongly urged me to leave the class and work on an I.S. during the summer months (where, I'm assuming, I couldn't harm anybody).

Being in Montana and having Ms. Emily helped immensely, I think, because I was forced to find ways to help my small congregation sing.

One of my early fantasies was to find good music and then choose all the hymns for that day with the corresponding music.  Today that almost happened quite by accident.

When I was laying out hymns a few months ago, I didn't realize that today's sequence hymn and dismissal hymn both used Abbott's Leigh as their music.  That is, until the final hymn began.  At least nobody could say that they hadn't heard it before.


Padre Mickey | 12:34 PM, August 08, 2012  

I think there are some five hymns in the Hymnal 1940 which use the tune St. Flavian

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