Monday, July 22, 2013

Not interested

Conversation this morning before the Morning Prayer service:

Parishioner:  Kate's in labor!

Me:  Who's Kate?

P:  Kate . . . as in Kate and William.

Me:  Um . . .

P:  The Duchess of Cambridge!!!!  She's in labor!!

Me:  Oh, got it.  She's pregnant??

P:  *Sigh*

**I was reminded of this when my NYT feed proclaimed that she had given birth to a baby boy.  I suppose congratulations are in order.


Lady Anne | 5:42 PM, July 23, 2013  

And Baby Cambridge shares my birthday.

Reverend Ref + | 6:11 PM, July 23, 2013  

Maybe they should name him Squire in your honor ... sort of.

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