Thursday, April 30, 2015

On Marriage Equality

So Judge Scalia thinks that if the courts give assent to marriage equality clergy might be forced to officiate at weddings in which they disagree (i.e. a clergy person who is "one man/one woman only" advocate might be forced to officiate at a same sex wedding).

Question for Judge Scalia: What world are you living in?

No RC priest has ever been forced to officiate at a Baptist wedding. No Baptist pastor has ever been forced to officiate at a Jewish wedding. No Jewish rabbi has ever been forced to officiate at a RC wedding. No clergy person of any stripe has ever been forced to officiate at the wedding of two atheists.  And on and on and on.

This hand-wringing over "but clergy might be forced to officiate at gay weddings ... oh no ..." is one thing and one thing only: A bunch of paranoid bullshit by people used to having all the power in an attempt to keep their power out of fear that equality for others means oppression for me.

Equality never has and never will bring the end of the world. But equality will always cause those in power to live in fear simply because equality for all brings about the end of the world as those in power know it.


Lady Anne | 7:26 PM, May 01, 2015  

What world, indeed? Any member of the clergy can refuse to perform any wedding for reasons they think are valid. Our friend in Tennessee has already announced he will not perform same-sex marriages; our own rector have said he will do so - and has.

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