Monday, March 25, 2013


I have a parishioner who works for another congregation in town.  Yesterday, Palm Sunday, he was at the other parish for service but came back to our place at coffee hour to pick up his wife. 

During coffee hour, I asked him how service went at the other place.  He told me that they "don't do Palm Sunday because nobody wants a fake celebration when we all know Jesus is going to die."  So they just focus on the Passion part of that day.  He also brought a copy of their bulletin back to show me.

The front cover had an image similar to this  (I couldn't find the exact image, but you'll get the idea):

Yep -- for their Passion Sunday service the bulletin cover art was the death of Superman.

My only comment was, "Really??"


Lady Anne | 1:38 PM, March 26, 2013  

I was going to make a comment, but I have been struck speechless. "Oh, really" just about covers it.

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