Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I registered my first known visitor to my parish website this week. Well, let me rephrase that . . . I registered my first non-terrorist visitor to the parish website this week. (And, yes, tampering with the photo so it appears I was wearing a purple shirt is, was and ever shall be an act of terrorism -- not naming any names *cough*jane*cough*, *cough*mark*cough*). But I digress.

I received a phone call from Church Insurance about updating the information to my two parishes. Let me just say that this needed to be done. A few of the contact names they had no longer attend church, and at least two of the listed contacts are dead. So we got the insurance stuff updated and that's a good thing.

During the course of our conversation, the rep mentioned that she had visited the parish website and had read my sermon. It also turns out that her husband is from Dillon. Small world.

I invited her to come to church if and when they ever come out for a vacation.

Maybe I'll install one of those site meter things to the website.


Anonymous | 4:24 PM, February 08, 2006  

You won't find any of my finger prints on any mice or keyboards associated with any alleged shirt-modification activities.

Jane Ellen+ | 8:17 PM, February 08, 2006  

Neither will you find mine-- no prints, no DNA, and I still don't know the passwords to get into your website. The CSI investigators would be out of luck here.

Not my fault you look good in purple, either.


David | 8:15 PM, February 11, 2006  

Don't get me started on insurance companies that gleefully receive premium payments from churches and home owners then just-as-gleefully turn and run when it's time to actually pay on a know like when your church or your home or your business that was in one place is now dissolved or slam dunked or somewhere between here and Cuba....who they gonna contact THEN?? HUH??? WHO??

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