Friday, December 22, 2006


It's Friday . . . the beginning of my weekend and the first of my two days off (hey, the rest of the working world gets two days, why not priesty-types?).

This normally isn't a big deal, it happens every week .... well, you know, unless there is that occassional funeral or wedding thing.

But this week has been busier than normal. Four sets of bulletins to prepare, run fold and stuff this week. Normally I only do one a week. The hardest thing for me wasn't the quantity of bulletins, but just keeping straight which one I was working on.

And then, of course, the need to write three sermons this week (see previous post). I finished my Christmas Day sermon yesterday. For those of you who actually read those things when I post them, disclaimer here: It was the last of three sermons written, and it is finished. After reading through it, it was obvious that it's not my best work and I was simply pulling an amalgemation of ideas from the other two in order to sound sufficiently decent. But it's finished, and my sermon creativity for this week is spent.

Sort of like my pancake art, actually. I take requests from everyone and create a pancake that matches their request. By the time I get to me, I just drop a couple of standard circles on the griddle and call it good. By the time I got to the Christmas Day sermon, I just dropped a few ideas on the paper and called it good.

And speaking of church (sort of), CC is all greened up for Christmas; we got that completed last earlier this week. It looks good, as it always does. And our little tree is sitting in a block of ice.
VC will get greened up after Sunday service. We'll all hang around after the service, do a little potluck lunch, and get the church ready for the service that night.

So, yes, we are all set for the Christmas weekend.

Today is a run to Butte to get the car taken care of before our trip and some last minute shopping. The Kid has a doctor's appointment, so Mrs. Ref will deal with that while I stay home and do laundry and such.

I hope your Christmas season is shaping up to be a non-stressor.

Peace be with you all this weekend.


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