Monday, March 12, 2007

GEE . . .

It's too bad the GOE's weren't this easy.

You know the Bible 100%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

Had this been an actual GOE, however, I never would've received that nifty care package that Mrs. Ref put together.

And after a long discussion this afternoon, it occurs to me that certain unnamed schools of divinity/theology could benefit from this little exercise.

Thanks to Mark for this diversion.


Ecgbert | 10:38 PM, March 12, 2007  

Considering that example in your comment at my place (Jael clobbering Sisera) I'm not surprised by your score, Father. I got the same as Fr Mark J. - didn't let the side down. :)

Anonymous | 1:59 PM, March 13, 2007  

I'm surrounded by Bible Brilliance! Egad! :-)

Susie, Jane, Ref, all 100%'s.

I blame my 98% on the fact that I never had AKMA for NT. Since Fogey didn't either, I think, there could be something there...

Tripp Hudgins | 11:34 AM, March 16, 2007  



We Baptists have to be good for something. Bible Bee, anyone?

Reverend Ref + | 12:37 PM, March 16, 2007  

Bible Bee? As long as I'm not required to cite chapter and verse. I do much better at the "It's in there somewhere . . . give me a minute."

And if we're talking real bible quizzes, I think I scored a 92 or 94 on the one AKMA had us take.

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