Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Lots of stuff going on around here. There was, of course, the accident Thursday night which took the life of a parishioner's husband and left her in critical condition. She is still in ICU over at the big hospital, and I will stop in and see her Monday.

We are going out of town this weekend -- Mrs. Ref has an annual doctor's appointment on Friday, and then we're off to central Washington to see family. We'll be back Monday. It's on the return trip that I'll stop and see my parishioner. The Kid has to be back for volleyball practice, and I have to be back for the Football 101 class that I'm offering to interested moms and grandmas.

The funeral for said parishioner's husband is this coming Saturday while I'm out of town. It will be hugely attended by probably 98 percent of the people in town and I hope it goes well.

I also stopped in and visited with another parishioner relation who was in a car accident this past weekend. He's doing okay, which was good to hear.

And other stuff getting done is service prep for people covering for me, writing the sermon to be read up in VC at their MP service, and making sure that my deacon (the mother of the victim) still wants to cover the service in Sheridan.

So yeah ... just lots of stuff going on.


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