Wednesday, August 04, 2010


I'm presiding at two weddings this weekend. One is of the daughter of a couple of regular parishioners and her fiancee, the other is of a couple from out of town who spend a lot of time here in SW MT.

Couple B sent me an e-mail a few weeks ago asking if they could stop by before the rehearsal and check out the church. Sure, no problem.

Today, while they were looking around and asking a few basic questions, they asked about wifi capabilities. Trying hard not to laugh (a few businesses have wifi in town, and VC just this year received cell service for a particular carrier [which has a fair amount of the locals up in arms in its own right]), I told them I wasn't sure if they would be able to access a wifi hotspot or not and asked why.

"Because we have a lot of friends who can't come up for the wedding and we want to mount a camera someplace so that we can skype the service."

Wondering if I can make a pitch during the service for $1 million payable to the church or "God will call the newlyweds home."

Or not . . .


Ecgbert | 2:31 PM, August 05, 2010  

Wondering if I can make a pitch during the service for $1 million payable to the church or "God will call the newlyweds home."

Worth a shot, Brother Oral! :)

Reverend Ref + | 5:44 PM, August 05, 2010  

I think I'll mention this at the rehearsal ... just for fun.

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