Thursday, November 08, 2012

The Election

So all of the Romney/Ryan supporters are in fits over the election loss.  Well . . . maybe "fits" isn't the right term . . . from what I've seen and heard, "hysterics" might be a better choice. 

"Don't you feel sad for them, even just a little bit, simply from understanding that all their effort, time and energy went into a campaign that ultimately lost?"

On the one hand, yes, I feel some sadness there because I know how I'd feel if my candidate lost.

But then you see the images of the American flag flying upside down, business closed due to the "failure of America," and other end-of-the world scenarios playing out by members of the far right.

On another blog I follow, Slacktivist by name, commenter JessicaR posted this:

Yeah, I feel bad, but then I remember they're crying over gay people being able to get married, women not having to pay more for birth control, women being allowed to have birth control at all, undocumented kids paying in state tuition fees, openly gay people being elected to office, etc. etc. and then I don't feel so bad anymore.

Yep -- that about sums it up.


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