Friday, April 04, 2008

Mr. Mom

Fridays are the first day of my weekend. So while the rest of the family is off at work and school, I get to enjoy the time alone and play Mr. Mom. Some days are more "mom-ish" than others. Today was one of those days.

I picked up the mail, made a bank run, dropped off carpet and printouts to the framer so they could begin producing these, stopped at the local IGA for a couple dozen eggs, food coloring and a cheap baking pan, did laundry, baked brownies for The Kid (because we all forgot that she needed a pan of them for a school event today), boiled the eggs I purchased, picked up a finished frame to take to next weeks clergy conference, purchased a gift certificate to hand out Sunday, finished the laundry, and prepped for my vestry meeting.

Is that it? I think so. Now maybe you've managed to put some of this together: eggs, food coloring, gift certificate . . .

It was decided that the kids at church would dye eggs today and sponsor an Easter egg hunt for the adults. The person who finds the "Special Egg" will win a $25 gift certificate to a THE nice restaurant in town. Because, after all, Easter is a season, not a day. So we're going to make this an Easter to Remember.

And now, I think I'll rest up for a few minutes before heading off to the meeting (and yes, I know it's my day off, but sometimes you don't have a choice).


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