Wednesday, December 29, 2010


So, we're apparently still having trouble with the whole internet thing at home. Mrs. Ref has called another company to come by and maybe that will be better -- we'll see.

In the meantime, I went out with my treasurer and purchased computer stuff for the office. I now have a new laptop (grrr) that is networked wirelessly to the printer in my secretary's office so I can print from my office (yea!) and I can access the 'net from here as well (good). We also bought a wireless keyboard and mouse (woo hoo) so I don't have to use those chintzy keys on the laptop (grrr) or that ridiculous pad thingy that's supposed to be a mouse but you have to use a thumb and combination of fingers while knowing just which part of the pad to push. My secretary is now very well informed as to just how much I hate computers.

Of course, she did know that before as last week she picked up a stack of yellow pads for me. I love my secretary. :)

And I wanted to put a new blurb at the top of my blog page because I'm no longer in a small town, but I can't figure out how to get to the header section to update that. Anyone know how that might be accomplished?

But now, it's time to get back to sermon writing. Something about wise men from the East, an escape to Egypt and a bunch of dead babies. Nope -- no children's sermon this week.


Mark J | 9:51 PM, December 29, 2010  

I'm sure we could figure out the header thing together if I could do the "screen sharing" thing with you. But hey, I'm near a town of over 500,000 people, so you could just say that small is relative. :-)

Debra McNeill | 5:54 PM, January 07, 2011  

I can see you haven't figured this out yet. It's been a rough week but by next Friday, life should be easier. (I have a big portfolio review next Thursday.) So, I'll check in again next week and can help you figure it out then?? Deb

~**Dawn**~ | 2:33 PM, January 27, 2011  

I'm flying blind here since I cannot see the internal workings of your blog, but the first place I can think of to look would be under the "Design" tab in your on your blog's dashboard. You would need to click the "Edit" link for the header & inside there would be the blog description--*if* you see those words listed there. If not...? I would need to give it some further consideration.

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