Monday, January 03, 2011

Settling in

One of the "bad" things about taking this new call is that I showed up in the middle of Advent. My time was spent trying to learn names, committees, activities and traditions as well as trying to plan and organize services, Lessons & Carols (both Advent and Christmas), Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Christmas II and an Epiphany party.

One of the good things about taking this new call is that I showed up in the middle of Advent. My time was spent trying to learn names, committees, activities and traditions as well as trying to plan and organize services, Lessons & Carols (both Advent and Christmas), Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Christmas II and an Epiphany party, so I was kept fairly busy.

But now, however, all that is over and we begin the long Epiphany season (one of the longest that we'll see in a very long time). And that means that we will be falling into a routine. A variety of meetings to schedule and attend, a regular systematic parishioner visitation schedule, meeting with people involved in worship (ushers, acolytes, lectors, LEMs and the like) to get everybody on the same page, and a few other things that I'm sure I'm forgetting here are all on the agenda to develop a routine.

Which, of course, gives me plenty of time to worry about getting this right. It was one thing to step into the eye of the storm and pull everything together for the busy Advent/Christmas season; it's something else entirely to do this on a regular day to day basis.

The rush is over . . . let the normalcy begin.


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